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Our Mission, Vision, Values

Mission Statement 

The Arctic Funders Collaborative promotes more informed and effective grantmaking to support healthy Arctic communities and ecosystems. We leverage support for opportunities across the Arctic that advance land and water stewardship, capacity building for Indigenous peoples, and community and cultural well-being.


To facilitate continued growth in Arctic philanthropy by building capacity within the philanthropic sector to support Arctic initiatives, and strengthening connections among philanthropic institutions and Northern, especially Indigenous, communities.

Our Key Objectives

  • Encourage, inform, and grow philanthropic investment in the Arctic by serving as a resource and support network for new and established Arctic funders

  • Work as a collective to advance and create awareness about environmental and social issues impacting the North and its sub-regions

  • Lead and share best practices that strengthen relationship building and collaborative actions among philanthropic, Indigenous and Northern communities

  • Maximize the impact of our collective resources by collaborating and developing strategic partnerships that advance priorities led by the people of the North



The Arctic Funders Collaborative is a project on MakeWay's shared platform, which supports on-the-ground efforts to create uncommon solutions for the common good. MakeWay is a national Canadian charity dedicated to a healthy environment, social equity, and economic prosperity. Make Way's shared platform provides operational supports, governance, and charitable expertise for changemakers. The shared platform enables more time and money to go towards achieving greater impact. MakeWay is a national charity that builds partnerships and solutions to help nature and communities thrive together. MakeWay has full fiduciary and governance responsibility for Arctic Funders Collaborative. More information about MakeWay can be found at


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Contact Information


4902 49th Street - 3rd Floor

P.O. Box 2392

Yellowknife, NT X1A 2P1

Supporting more effective and responsible grant-making across the Arctic

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