AFC Members

Organizations interested in becoming a member of the Arctic Funders Collaborative must meet the following criteria:
Activities in the Arctic must be primarily grant-making;
Demonstrate values aligned with the mission of the AFC;
Make financial contributions annually towards maintaining the Collaborative
New membership inquiries will be considered by the AFC Steering Committee and Director, who will assess how a prospective member organization would fit with the AFC’s objectives and current membership. If the AFC Steering Committee believes a prospective organization would be a good fit for membership, they will make a recommendation to the AFC Membership at an Annual Meeting.
In special circumstances (legacy, alignment, etc.), the AFC Membership may admit members who do not meet the above criteria.
In order to maintain a sustainable and predictable AFC budget, AFC members are expected to pay annual Membership Feesues. Membership Fees are the primary component of the AFC Budget and allow AFC Staff to advance the mission and vision of the Collaborative in direct support of members. AFC members should self-identify their appropriate level of membership fees as outlined in the guidelines below based on the size of their organization and annual budget.
Public Foundation
$5,000 -
Smaller Private Foundation
'Field Building' Foundation
Each member is expected to pay membership fees for the AFC during the first quarter of every calendar year (April-June).