Annual Meeting & Funder Events
AFC Annual Meeting
Every year, the AFC hosts a meeting for members to spend a day and a half together and share updates, discuss key issues, and develop plans for greater collaboration. New funders interested in learning more about the collaborative may be invited to participate in the Annual Meeting. If you are a funder and are interested, please contact director@arcticfunders.com for more information.
Past Funder events
In September 2022, AFC hosted all the funders in beautiful Whitehorse, Yukon. This year we had three themes:
Letting the land inform our work
Reconnecting the AFC circle
Building community leaders
We spent some time at a traditional camp out on the land with the lovely Diane Smith. We canoed as a group down the Yukon River. And we met with Yukon Indigenous community leaders who shared their work and the AFC had the honour of providing a space where the leaders could get updated about what each other is doing. Our meeting location was at the Kwanlin Dün Cultural Centre; Dianne’s Camp plus Sky High Ranch and by the Yukon River where were we spent time on the land and waters where we had many fruitful Arctic Philanthropic discussions.
In September 2020, AFC hosted all the funders in our home town of Yellowknife, Northwest Territories. The focus of our meeting was Healthy and Thriving Northern Communities. We were very lucky to have beautiful weather in the fall while everyone enjoyed traditional foods, experienced making dry fish, had the chance to make fish scale art and also work on a caribou hide. Our meeting location was on the shores of the Great Slave Lake at B.Dene Adventures, a traditional camp run by a local Indigenous family from the Yellowknives Dene.
In 2017, AFC hosted a Feast + Learn in Toronto with the vision to bring the Dene culture to the city for funders to experience the feeling of a traditional cook out sitting on spruce boughs, eating dry meat and smoked fish while learning about northern topics from Indigenous leaders.