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Collaborative Funding 


Where an opportunity is identified by the AFC members to leverage funds as a collective towards a selected cause, the AFC will help to facilitate collaborative funding activities for those members interested in participating.



  • The Arctic Governance Project was an initiative sponsored by AFC Members to enable the policy community to frame critical Arctic governance issues and to propose innovative responses for a sustainable future.

  • In 2016, members pooled money to support the Permanent Participants of the Arctic Council for the Better Arctic Funding Mechanism, an initiative to develop a more stable and permanent funding mechanism to build greater capacity within the Permanent Participants to have more meaningful participation in the Arctic Council.

  • In 2017 AFC members pooled funding to convene their grant partners who are facilitating Indigenous leadership development across the Arctic. A three-day knowledge exchange was hosted at a Dene camp outside of Yellowknife, to provide an opportunity for the Alaska Native Science and Engineering Program, First Alaskans Institute, Caleb Scholars Program, Our Voices, Dene Nahjo, Qanak, and the Saami Council to connect and share about their work strengthening their Northern communities and cultures.

Network and Outreach 


The AFC participates in and hosts events to raise awareness about the Arctic, engage the broader philanthropic community in dialogue, and provide support to new funders interested in exploring Arctic philanthropy. We collaborate with other philanthropic networks to share our experiences as a funders collaborative seeking to facilitate more responsible and effective grant-making across the Arctic.



Best Practices


The AFC promotes respectful, reciprocal, and responsible partnerships between philanthropic and Indigenous and Northern communities. We lead best practices that build relationships with the communities and people with which we partner, and seek to develop a deeper understanding of the cultural, social, environmental, and political context of the North. We recognize and aspire to exemplify the need for Northern communities to be supported in advancing their priorities and leading their own approaches to managing challenges and opportunities across the Arctic.


Contact Information


4902 49th Street - 3rd Floor

P.O. Box 2392

Yellowknife, NT X1A 2P1

Supporting more effective and responsible grant-making across the Arctic

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